Episode 48: Super Happy Panic Cola!

It’s a Geek Time Warp!  This episode was recorded right before Thanksgiving and there’s a lot of discussion of what we’re going to be doing for Christmas and Thanksgiving.  Ryan brings the Geeks gifts from the Food and Wine Festival at Epcot.   They’re fun and delicious!  This turns into a discussion about Disney World and the sharing of stories.  There’s even drama surrounding the dinner order.  We discuss the Marvel/Netflix deal. 

This episode of D4G was recorded live 11/14/13 at Zachry’s Seafood and Steaks in Brunswick, GA.  http://www.zachrys-seafood.com .  Visit us on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/dinner4geeks

We have a new email address!!  It’s geeks@dinner4geeks.com

And in this episode we establish that there are fans of Ron’s beard.  It now has a new email address as well! ronsbeard@dinner4geeks.com

Email for Ryan’s crutch phrase should go to whatsitcalled@dinner4geeks.com

Direct download: Episode_48.mp3
Category:Sci-Fi -- posted at: 4:35pm EST

Dinner 4 Geeks EXTRA: RItz Radio Theatre's It's a Wonderful Life

The Christmas classic performed, old-time radio-style, live from the stage of the Ritz Theatre in Brunswick, GA

Direct download: WL_12_20_13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:27am EST

Dinner 4 Geeks EXTRA: Ritz Radio Theatre's A Christmas Carol

A full audio dramatization of A Christmas Carol as performed by the Ritz Radio Theatre in Brunswick, GA.

Direct download: ACC_12_19_13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:21am EST

Episode 47: Christmas Dinner 4 Geeks-Collect All Four!

It’s Christmas!  And imagine our surprise when we got there and found that Ron had beaten us there and had started drinking early!  And then Jeff showed up with a mysterious handlebar mustache.  The discussion centers on our favorite and least favorite Christmas moments, specials, and traditions!  Then the Geeks exchange Christmas presents.  Strap yourselves in, it’s gonna be a bumpy Christmas ride!

This episode of D4G was recorded live 12/14/13 at Loco’s Grill and Pub on St. Simons Island, GA.  http://www.locosgrill.com/.  Visit us on facebook at http://facebook.com/dinner4geeks

We have a new email address!!  It’s geeks@dinner4geeks.com

And in this episode we establish that there are fans of Ron’s beard.  It now has a new email address as well! ronsbeard@dinner4geeks.com

Email for Ryan’s crutch phrase should go to whatsitcalled@dinner4geeks.com

Direct download: Episode_47.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:41am EST

Episode 46: Freeballin'

Yes, we released this one a little early.  Ryfun has to do his husbandly duties and go on an anniversary trip with the missus (to Walt Disney World, of course), and we didn’t want to sit on this one.  You'll understand when you hear it.  It’s good stuff!  The geeks discuss the release date for Episode VII!  We also talk about the Six Million Dollar Man and Godzilla.  We also have a genuine Bob Hope-style walk on.  Well, actually, more like a Dean Martin-style walk-on, but still…  Plus, is there a moratorium on “that’s what she said”?!?  If so, the length of the podcast will drop by half!

This episode of D4G was recorded live 11/7/13 at Zachry’s Seafood and Steak in Brunswick, GA.  http://www.zachrys-seafood.com/.  Visit us on facebook at http://facebook.com/dinner4geeks

We have a new email address!!  It’s geeks@dinner4geeks.com

And in this episode we establish that there are fans of Ron’s beard.  It now has a new email address as well! ronsbeard@dinner4geeks.com

Email for Ryan’s crutch phrase should go to whatsitcalled@dinner4geeks.com

Direct download: Episode_46.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:06pm EST

Episode 45: Return of the Ackface

We’re Jeffless for the first time in a lonnnnng time.  We’ve really got to find a backup Fourth geek.  Any takers?  We talk about a cool website called thehappeningbook.net .  This thing is awesome!  A kid kept a journal in 1978, when he was in second grade, and on this website, he publishes a page a day, corresponding with the date in 1978.  You MUST check it out.  We share our misgivings about the turmoil that seems to be surrounding the Episode VII Production.  You’ll notice that when we recorded this episode, the EpVII release date hadn’t been announced yet.  We get into a discussion of It’s a Wonderful Life and of classic cereals, life Baron Von Redberry!  And we miss Jeff during the discussion of exactly why Scott doesn’t care for The Simpsons.  Then, the weirdest thing happens.  Ryan tells tales about his friend Ackface, and Ackface comes walking in the door!  Awk-ward.

This episode of D4G was recorded live 10/28/13 at Broomelli Boys Pizzeria in Brunswick, GA.  http://www.broomelliboys.com/.  Visit us on facebook at http://facebook.com/dinner4geeks

We have a new email address!!  It’s geeks@dinner4geeks.com

And in this episode we establish that there are fans of Ron’s beard.  It now has a new email address as well! ronsbeard@dinner4geeks.com

Direct download: Episode_45.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:09am EST

Episode 44: Thanksgiving Dinner 4 Geeks

It’s Thanksgiving week and the Geeks are getting together at a wonderful down-home restaurant to have turkey and dressing.  Well, most of them do.  One of them won’t eat dressing.  And so begins a typical dysfunctional Thanksgiving dinner.  You’ll love it!

This episode of D4G was recorded live 11/16/13 at Barbara Jean’s on St. Simons Island, GA.  http://www.barbarajeans.com .  Visit us on facebook at http://facebook.com/dinner4geeks

We have a new email address!!  It’s geeks@dinner4geeks.com

And in this episode we establish that there are fans of Ron’s beard.  It now has a new email address as well! ronsbeard@dinner4geeks.com

Direct download: Episode_44.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:12pm EST

Episode 43: Raiders of the Lost Ball

Ryan is missing again, but the remaining three Geeks get a little help from Cody Griner’s letter about a fifth Indiana Jones adventure.  They discuss what went wrong about Crystal Skull (if anything) and things take a brief, but interesting semi-serious turn. 

This episode of D4G was recorded live 10/24/13 at Zachry’s Seafood and Steaks in Brunswick, GA.  http://zachrys-seafood.com  Visit us on facebook at http://facebook.com/dinner4geeks

We have a new email address!!  It’s geeks@dinner4geeks.com

And in this episode we establish that there are fans of Ron’s beard.  It now has a new email address as well! ronsbeard@dinner4geeks.com

Direct download: Episode_43.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:53pm EST

Episode 42: Geek Power!

The Geeks get into a discussion of Power Records and the whole phenomenon of the book and record set. Ron brings in a stack of his old Bantha Tracks.

Direct download: episode_42.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:14pm EST

Episode 41: The Goats and Mr. Chicken

This is Halloween!  This is Halloween!  The Geeks talk Halloween…after they get into Dark Horse’s The Star Wars series.  It’s all here: the good costuems, the bad costumes, the good and bad candy, and the Halloween carnivals!

This episode of D4G was recorded live 10/3/13 at Zachry’s Seafood and Steaks in Brunswick, GA.  http://zachrys-seafood.com  Visit us on facebook at http://facebook.com/dinner4geeks

We have a new email address!!  It’s geeks@dinner4geeks.com

Direct download: episode_41.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:55pm EST

Episode 40: The One Where We Get to Finish a Sentence

Yes, this week there's no Ryan, so we all get to finish our sentences...only to realize our sentences aren't all that great.  We delve into some 1987 Starlog Magazines and read the Medialog section to see which announced projects were made (some eventually) and which just quietly disappeared.  There’s brief talk about the new Six Million Dollar Man comic series.  Scott’s bizarre organizational system is questioned and broken down for those who can understand it.  Jeff brings up the discovery of lost Doctor Who episodes.  Ron brings his latest find from…believe it or not, the library!

This episode of D4G was recorded live 10/3/13 at Sonny’s Barbecue in Brunswick, GA.  http://hosted.where2getit.com/sonnysbbq/?addressline=31525&form=locator_search  Visit us on facebook at http://facebook.com/dinner4geeks

Feedback is always welcome at dinner4geeks@gmail.com

Direct download: Episode_40.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:44pm EST

Episode 39: The Empire Strikes Out

This is it!  Our third and final attempt to muddle our way through a discussion of the Star Wars revival!  Ryan and Jeff engage in a bizarre Scottish joke off (that’s JOKE off).  Scott discusses his forthcoming book, It Takes the Village People.  No one likes Scott’s Rowlf impression, which comes in the midst of a discussion of Jim Henson.  Our first thoughts on Agents of SHILED as well as The Blacklist.

This episode of D4G was recorded live 9/26/13 at Zachry’s Seafood and Steaks in Brunswick, GA.  http://zachrys-restaurant.com

Visit us on facebook at http://facebook.com/dinner4geeks

Feedback is always welcome at dinner4geeks@gmail.com

Direct download: Episode_39.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:16pm EST

It’s the night before Scott’s birthday and the Geeks are bearing gifts.  We continue the discussion about the Star Wars revival.  Geeks and girls don’t mix, as evidenced by a tale of the late FSU television show Static Wasteland. 

This episode of D4G was recorded live 9/19/13 at Zachry’s Seafood and Steaks in Brunswick, GA.  http://zachrys-restaurant.com

Visit us on facebook at http://facebook.com/dinner4geeks

Feedback is always welcome at dinner4geeks@gmail.com

Direct download: Episode_38.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:33pm EST

Episode 37: The Winged Black Super-Hero!

What are your recollections of the great Star Wars revival of the early 1990s?  That’s what the geeks talk about this week…Well, that’s what they TRY to tlak about this week, but wandering brains never stay on one subject for long, so along the way Carvel Ice Cream commercials are discussed, Your desired Star Wars spin-off movie, Harry Potter spin-off movies, Tripping the Rift, the legendary Willie’s Wee-Nee Wagon, Robert Schimmel (even though they didn’t know it)—oh, and we bash the Islamic Republic of South Carolina again, for good measure.

This episode of D4G was recorded live 9/12/13 at Zachry’s Seafood and Steaks in Brunswick, GA.  http://zachrys-restaurant.com

Visit us on facebook at http://facebook.com/dinner4geeks

Feedback is always welcome at dinner4geeks@gmail.com

Direct download: Episode_37.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:32pm EST

Episode 36: Who's Been Eating Glazed Donuts in Bed?

This week, in light of the upcoming 3-3/4” Alien and the 3-3/4” Six Million Dollar Man action figure lines, the guys discuss the vintage action figure lines they’d like to see.  Ron expresses his disappointment with the lack of flesh in Rock of Ages.  The D4G Musical first comes to life.  The origins of Bear Trap Maniac are explored and an action figure line is proposed.   More adult, er, adolescent matters are discussed, and then Ron and Scott tear off into From Hell by Alan Moore.

This episode of D4G was recorded live 9/5/13 at Zachry’s Seafood and Steaks in Brunswick, GA.  http://zachrys-restaurant.com

Visit us on facebook at http://facebook.com/dinner4geeks

Feedback is always welcome at dinner4geeks@gmail.com

Direct download: Episode_36.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:48pm EST

Episode 35: Looking for the Affman

You may or may not notice, but Ron had a scheduling conflict and is therefore not present for this episode.  In his stead, we welcome Guest Geek Midi!  We finally get around to discussing the casting of Ben Affleck as The Batman.  Even though everyone else on the internet insists on calling him Batfleck, Scott insists on The Affman. The discussion doesn’t go where you might think.  There’s also a pretty robust chat about the deicision to go with practical effects and film for Episode VII that once again doesn’t go where you’d think!

This episode of D4G was recorded live 8/27/13 at Loco’s Grill and Pub on St. Simons Island, GA.  http://www.locosgrill.com/locations/11/St-Simons

Visit us on facebook at http://facebook.com/dinner4geeks

Feedback is always welcome at dinner4geeks@gmail.com

Direct download: episode_35.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:28am EST

Episode 34: This Guy Walks Into a Doctor's Office With a Frog on His Head...

The Geeks talk about their Core 4 standup comics!

Direct download: episode_34.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:45pm EST

Episode 33: Gluten Free Gives You Super Powers!

We talk about the New Who, Peter Cipaldi. Ron talks about his “Neighbor Kids.”  We have a discourse about The Pink Panther.  The Geeks wax poetically about their Core 4 underappreciated musical acts.  Falco?!?

This episode of D4G was recorded live 8/15/13 at Zachry’s Seafood and Steak in Brunswick, GA.  Http://zachrys-restaurant.com

Visit us on facebook at http://facebook.com/dinner4geeks

Be a part of our upcoming listener questions episode by writing to dinner4geeks@gmail.com

Direct download: Episode_33.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:53pm EST

Episode 32: I Ain't Payin' No 50 Dollars For No Playset!

We’re walking down memory lane with our Core 4 Playsets!  You either had these or you wanted them so bad you could taste them!  Talking about playsets and childhood reveals Ryan’s, um, darker side and Scott’s drug history, Ron’s dumpster diving and Jeff’s 90s love!

This episode of D4G was recorded live 8/8/13 at Zachry’s Seafood and Steak in Brunswick, GA.  Http://zachrys-restaurant.com

Visit us on facebook at http://facebook.com/dinner4geeks

Be a part of our upcoming listener questions episode by writing to dinner4geeks@gmail.com

Direct download: Episode_32.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Episode 31: We <3 Jack Davis!

This week we welcome not one but TWO guest geeks!  Robby Richardson and John Trotter!  They're college buddies of Jeff's AND they have come to town for the big Jack Davis panel featuring a lot of great cartoonists and MAD magazine staffers.  It's all the kickoff to a tremendous exhibit going on right now at the Glynn Art Association on st. Simons Island.  John is also the guy who drew the amazing picture on our facebook page at http://facebook.com/dinner4geeks .  AND he brought gifts tonight!  In the spirit of celebrating the career of Jack davis, we explore our Core 4 comic artists.

This episode of D4G was recorded live 8/1/13 at Zachry's Seafood and Steaks in Brunswick,. GA.  http://www.zachrys-restaurant.com/

Visit us on facebook at http://facebook.com/dinner4geeks

Be a part of our upcoming listener questions episode by writing to dinner4geeks@gmail.com

Direct download: Episode_31.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Episode 30: The D4G Book Review

In this episode, we discuss our Core 4 books.  We also get into discussions of TV shows that were adapted from movies as well as the late Dennis Farima, San Diego ComiCon, and tons more!  And yes, the picture in the episode's image is a part of three of the six bookcases in Scott's office!

This episode of D4G was recorded live 7/22/13 at Loco's Grill and Pub on St. Simons Island, GA.  https://www.facebook.com/locosstsimons http://locosgrill.com

Visit us on facebook at http://facebook.com/dinner4geeks

Be a part of our upcoming listener questions episode by writing to dinner4geeks@gmail.com

Direct download: episode_30.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:19pm EST

Episode 29: The Geeks Meet...a Girl!

This week the Geeks find themselves joined by…a girl!  However will this unfold?  D4G listener Alison, who questions her geek credentials, joins the geeks and finds her inner geek. Ron runs late, so the Pacific Rim discussion doesn’t get to reach full flower, though Jeff and Scott saw it, and Ryan has good insight into the toy situation.   Scott brings an item he found in his storage unit and lets the others try to guess what it is.  Can you figure it out before they do?  Then, there’s the adventures in a magic shop.  Trust us, it explains a lot.  This week we also unveil a new feature called the Core 4: four things in a given topic that help define you.  The inaugural list: Core 4 Geek Movies.


This episode of Dinner 4 Geeks was recorded live 7/18/13 at Zachry’s Seafood and Steaks.  http://www.zachrys-restaurant.com/


Visit us on our facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/dinner4geeks


And be sure to contact us at dinner4geeks@gmail.com


Direct download: episode_29.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:34am EST

Episode 28: What's My Beef, Geeks?

Ryan recaps his alcohol-fueled trip to Puerto Rico and discusses the new Star Trek internet productions.  The guys engage in a live internet meme.  How do you treat bad movies, like, say, Never Too Young to Die?  We have to explain what Dial MTV was to Ryan.  Scott's big rant is EU-related and places a target squarely on Timothy Zahn. Jeff spars over the Star Trek movies vs. Voyager.

We're compiling a listener questions episode.  ANY questions whatsoever can be emailed to dinner4geeks@gmail.com


Direct download: Episode_28.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:43pm EST

I got an opportunity to interview MAD Magazine legend Nick Meglin to promote an upcoming panel to celebrate the work of Jack Davis.  The panel will be August 1st at 5:30pm, followed by a reception at 6:30pm.  Tickets are available at http://glynnart.org .

Feedback: dinner4geeks@gmail.com

Direct download: d4g_nick_meglin.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30am EST

Episode 27: Ron's JAWS of Doom

Ronald hated Jaws...the book not that television horseshit.  He tell us in exacting detail why.  Scott recaps a few of the high- and low-lights of his recent trip to New York City.  Jeff talks about Seinfeld and Letterman together.  And teh Sears Wish Book plays an important role in our childhoods.

Direct download: Episode_27.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:49pm EST

Here it is!  The audio of the Dinner 4 Geeks panel at Ancient City Con 7 in Jacksonville, Florida.  We paid good gas moeny to drive down and we even had to buy tickets to the convention to get in to host our panel (I wish I were kidding about that), and we had practically no one in the room who wasn't related to one of us.  One the other hand, we had teh room to ourselves, the acoustics were great, and we had a good laugh at all the people who poked their heads in teh  door thinking we were SERVING a dinner for geeks.  Along the way, we discuss cons in general and Man of Steel! 

Direct download: episode_26.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:04pm EST

The title of the episode is used but is only tangential to the action.  However, it does sound like one of the all-time greatest pickup lines, so we used it for the episode title.  For the second week in a row, Ron misses the show, so Jeff (FINALLY) gets his geek brother to do the show with us.  What follows is basically us conducting a Mike Douglas Show-style interview with him.  Along the way we geek out about Star Trek, You Can't Do That on Television, Big Bang Theory, Action Figures, Marvel Comics, Cinefantastique, and a WHOLE lot more!

Direct download: episode_25.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:27pm EST

Ron's missing!  As in, not there, so all you Ron fans are in for a big disappointment.  What do you mean which one is he?  Jeff and Scott reminisce about 4th of July and Jeff's birthday and the connection between the two.  And Ryan reminisces about that terrific Velvet Jones movie.



Direct download: episode_24.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:54pm EST

Scott recaps a trip to Star Wars Weekends, which does include his full 31 inches of awesomeness.  Ron went to the barber.  After we slagged Star Trek Into Darkness the week before, Ryan decided to see it!  Wha--?  Jeff gets into Game of Thrones and some of the major events.

Direct download: episode_23.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:52pm EST

Episode 22: Fuhrerpalooza

Yes, for whatever reason everything leads back to a Hitler joke.  Are hitlers jokes appropriate?  Probably not, but what the hell?  It's just dinner, right?  We get Ron's take on Star Trek Into Darkness.  The sad, sad, sad history of toy adapatations leads to a discussion about what kind of toy adaptation Ryan would like to make.  And for good measure, since making repeated Hitler jokes wasn't enough, we start making a few racist jokes, too!  I would say you had to be there, but through the magic of podcasting you ARE there.  God help you.

Direct download: Episode_22.mp3
Category:Sci-Fi -- posted at: 10:24pm EST

No, seriously, this episode is about spoilers and how sacred they are, and what the shelf life is on them.  That having been said, we discuss a LOT of classic spoilers.  If you haven't seen Lost, Soylent Green, Citizen Kane (first time those two were ever uttered in the same sentence, I'll bet!), The Empire Strikes Back, The Sixth Sense, The Crying Game, or Planet of teh Apes, turn back now!  Don't say we didn't warn you.  However, we do talk about spoilers within the context of Star Trek Into Darkness and somehow manage to NOT ruin it!

Come chat with us at: http://facebook.com/dinner4geeks

email us at dinner4geeks@gmail.com

Direct download: episode_21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:42pm EST

the Geeks revisit Scott's belief that weveryone has a super power, no matter how insignificant.  His is the Naked Hex, which somehow leads to a discussion of Harvey Keitel's porpensity for nudity...don't ask, jsut listen.  Then it ADDs itself right into a talk baout the Star Wars Holiday Special, which segues into KISS Meets the Phantom and the realization that these two TV gems aired within a few weeks of each other!  Atari 2600s, 5600s, and 7800s get their moment on this episode of D4G, as does Kool-Aid man!

visit us at facebook.com/dinner4geeks

email us at dinner4geeks@gmail.com

Spend some time with the rest of our dysfunctional podcast family at twotruefreaks.com and find a slew of great podcasts right up your alley...and we mean that in the nicest possible way!

Direct download: episode_20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:07pm EST

The Geeks have a discussion about why in the world you can't, in this day and age, get any MP3 you want, which leads into a discussion of people's Holy Grail items on their wish list.  Jeff gives a Numerology lecture.  Ron drinks.  And drinks.

Updated to eliminate an audio error at the beginning.

Direct download: Episode_19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:29pm EST

The Geeks come to grips with the fact that a large number of the people they talk about on the show die shortly after they are discussed on the program.  Of course, most of these people are in their 80s or 90s or are gravely ill, but still... Scott remembers being dressed down by Greg Brady... Ryan looks a stranger up in the phone book at 1am and calls him!  Ron has a fit over a box of Star Wars fruit snacks... Jeff is prepared to discuss sequels that enhace and sequels that harm the legacies of the originals.



Direct download: episode_18-lofi.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

The early, early days of Star Wars Action Figures.  A recap of Scott's dramatic solo victory at Star Wars Trivia Night.  Anchorman 2 is in Brunswick filming and the locals are all atwitter.  The mysterious saga of JJ Armes.  Ron continues his defense of Tales of the Gold Monkey.  Then the podcast goes somewhere no podcast ever should...  We're warning you now...

Direct download: episode_17-lofi.mp3
Category:Sci-Fi -- posted at: 9:46pm EST

Theories on Doctor Who's 50th anniversary specials.  What did the geeks think of before anyone else?  This leads to a discussion about what would you reboot and how?   Jeff insists he has a cameo in Kingdom Come.  The 3-D printer.  Visit us on facebook at facebook.com/dinner4geeks .  Email us at dinner4geeks@gmail.com!

Direct download: Episode_16-lofi.mp3
Category:Sci-Fi -- posted at: 12:00am EST

This week we add a FIFTH geek to the mix...to kind of even things out from the first three episodes where we only had three geeks.  Ryan's brother Darren, who is definitely an action figure geek gets into the mix.  The guys talk the rerelease of Jurassic Park, their first record-buying experiences, and action figure collections!

Direct download: EPISODE_15-lofi.mp3
Category:Sci-Fi -- posted at: 12:00am EST

This week, the Geeks pay tribute to Roger Ebert, except Ron, who hated the man and will probably burn for what he says.  Scott believes the end is near for the EU.  Ryan has a what's-it-called.  Jeff asks everyone to name their guilty pleasures, only so he can make an admission of his own...

Direct download: episode_014_lofi.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Jeff has another installment of Beware Geeks Bearing Gifts.  Ryan talks about the etiquette behind cursing in front of your parents.  teh guys play an exciting round of I'm Guessing an Ewok.  Ron introduces a riveting discussion about the naming conventions of audiobooks on CD and is severely punished for it.

Direct download: episode_013_lofi.mp3
Category:Sci-Fi -- posted at: 12:00am EST

The Geeks sit in a nice quiet room in a barbecue joint and talk about the shows that never made it that they would go back and rescue given the opportunity.  On the list: Hooperman, The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr., and The Flash!  Plus a debate about what counts and what doesn't!

Direct download: episode_12-lofi.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Another new venue for the Geeks and this one...well, while there's some good stuff here, it may have been better if we'd just published a transcript.  Through the course of things we touch on, despite an overwhelming background noise, PS 238, serious Star Wars, Torchwood, the iPhone's resistance to toilet water, Marvel Unlimited app, the end of Argo, geek gaming, our video game wish list, Saturday morning kids shows, and Ryan's Sleestak action figure.  I tell you all this because you may not be able to make it out.

Direct download: episode_011_lofi.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

It's only seven months late, but Scott goes through his Star Wars Celebration VI goodie bag.  Ron tells a Siskel and Ebert story.  The gang talk about brushes with fame, including the fact that Jeff and Scott have definitely not ever gotten to meet Paul Stanley and thus never certainly never got his autograph.  There's an "F"-Bomb dropped right at the end!

Direct download: episode_010_lofi.mp3
Category:Sci-Fi -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Ryan brings in some old comics, which leads to a discussion of the longest runs each of teh geeks has ever put together and whether or not published paper comics are doomed!

Direct download: episode_009_lofi.mp3
Category:Sci-Fi -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Episode 8: The Wookiee Awards

Ron announces the creation of The Wookiee Awards.  We humor him.  Childhood crushes.  What we wanted to be when we grew up.  Can you teach an old geek new forms of geekiness?

Direct download: episode_008_lofi.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Episode 7: Schrodinger's Helicopter

What one thing did everyone want but never get?  The Sears Christmas Catalog before we liked the lingerie pages.  Ryan's Matchbox helicopter's sad fate.  Why isn't Close Encounters relevant anymore?  

Direct download: episode_007_lofi.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Episode 6: Is JJ Dy-no-mite?

The show was recorded over a dinner shortlay after the news broke that JJ Abrams was indeed the guy who was going to helm at least Episode VII.  The guys respond to it.  The guys also get into a knock down dragout fight about the flaws in the prequel trilogy with the unlikeliest of people laying into the prequels.  This one is just fun on top of fun!

Direct download: episode_006_lofi.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Episode 5: Darn Nation Alley

Ron brings in a stack of Starlog magazines that show they missed the Star Wars boat by a mile.  Jeff uncovers the secret history of the little-known SR Comics Group.  Ryan is all about the Batmobile.  Scott recals his first trip to see Star Wars...and his second one.  And there is enough crosstalk and utensil noise to drive you as crazy as a Tatooine Sand-bat.

Direct download: episode_005_lofi.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Episode 4

FOUR GEEKS!!!  At long last!!!  And we get off to a rousing start by talking about....Butch and Sundance action figures?  Plus, we revisit what it would take to drop Star Wars, Scott's time capsule,  puppet blindness and puppet phobia and more!

Direct download: episode_004_lofi.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:01pm EST

Episode 3

Ryan's missing again, so once more the Geek count stands at three.  This week we talk Amazing Stories, the one Geek goodie that has never been made, and what would make us drop Star Wars.  Just so you know when yo hear it, Lou Gossett Jr did appear on the Twilight Zone Radio Dramas.

Direct download: episode_003_lofi.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:35pm EST

Episode 2

THIS time Jeff is missing!  We STILL don't have four geeks!  Still, it's another fun dinner with the Geeks.  Ron can't let go of his Twilight Zone thoughts, and the guys ponder SNL's politics, discuss James Bond theory, and Burton's Batman.  And, of course, Star Wars always does and always will come up frequently.

Direct download: episode_002_lofi.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:49pm EST

Episode 1

The inaugural edition of Dinner 4 Geeks gets off to an inauspicious start, as one of the 4 Geeks, Ryan, can't make it to the recording.  That's okay, though.  We carry on without him, and we talk about him behind his back as well.  Plus, lots and lots of Star Wars, with a little Twilight Zone, Ultraman, and more thrown into the discussion.

Direct download: episode_001_lofi.mp3
Category:Sci-Fi -- posted at: 4:25pm EST






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