Episode 89: Cataloguing Christmas! A DInner 4 Geeks Christmas Special!

The Geeks, together again, celebrate Christmas together with the telling of tales, with a discussion of their Core 4 Christmas Specials. This, of course, means they can't agree on the ground rules and things fall apart quickly.  They also have a gift exchange that leads to a lot of conversation, as usual. The Geeks also recap Jekyll Con (a rousing success!) and Ron shows us his Christmas Card from Professor Alan. But listen for the gift exchange.  It's a classic.  After that Scott, feeling bad for the fact that he didn't get the episode out on time and instead put it out on Christmas Eve, decides to slather on the Christmas Cheer, resulting in our longest episode ever! It even includes visits from Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, C-3PO, R2-D2, Fred Flinstone, The Six Million Dollar Man, and Jack Skellington, among others.


This episode of Dinner 4 Geeks was recorded live at Zachry's Seafood and Steak in Brunswick, GA http:\\zachrys-restaurant.com


Direct download: Episode_89_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:11pm EST

The Ritz Radio Theatre Continues with its presentation of A Christmas Carol.  THe Dickens classic comes to life on the stage of teh Ritz Theatre in beautiful downtown Brunswick, GA with a cast of talented actors and sound effects performers.



Direct download: ACCMP3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:31pm EST

You're in for a treat just in time for the holidays as the Ritz Radio Theatre proudly presents the 2014 edition of It's a Wonderful Life, performed live on stage at the Ritz Theatre in beautiful Downtown Brunswwick, GA.


Listen as the radio drama unfolds and comes to life through the efforts of the performers and sound effects artists!

Direct download: wonderful121414_edit.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:16pm EST

David Michelinie is the Creator of Venom and Shira Brie, among many other famous and infamous comics characters.  His creation The Bozz Chronicles will soon be reissued in a new collected edition and is currently available for pre-order. During the course of the discussion with David Michelinie, I was prone to the occasional geek-out that wasn’t germane to the conversation at hand.  I will be sharing some of those moments at the end of this podcast as bonus material.


To tell your Star Wars Story, email your contact information to Story@mystarwarsstory.com. Like My Star Wars Story on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. If you liked My Star Wars Story, please be sure to leave a review in the iTunes store.  It will help more people find the podcast. Please join us Next month, when Tom Panarese tell his Star Wars Story, and in February, Consetta Parker will share her Star Wars Story. Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of generation Star Wars.

Direct download: MSWS_David_Michelinie_final_mix.mp3
Category:Sci-Fi -- posted at: 10:04pm EST

With Special Guest Appearance by Jeff!  Eventually!


The Geeks got together to record on the same day Entertainment Weekly and Lucasfilm revealed the character names from the FOrce Awakens teaser.  Commentary and randomness ensues...


This episode of D4G was recorded 12/11/14 at Zahcry's Seafood and Steak in Brunswick, GA. http://zachrys-restaurant.com

Direct download: episode_88.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:10pm EST

The Geeks leap into action the night after Thanksgiving, and they've brought a few surprises...

1. Jeff returns! After several months off, we manage to persuade Jeff to attend a recording. Of course, it took a fancy schmancy trip to Jekyll Island to get him on board, but still...

2. Steve Glosson, the Podcast King of Southeast Georgia, joins us and meets the Geeks for the first time. Steve is the host of Geek Out Loud!, Rock Out Loud!, Mark Out Loud!, Disney Vault Talk, Rebel Yell, Know What I'm Sayin' and a gazillion more.

In our unique, ADD way we break down the Star Wars teaser, and we even go to the bathroom during the proceedings.

WARNING: THere's a LOT of background noise in this episode, so be warned.  It's fun, but it's boisterous.  This week we really are Geeks Out Loud!

This episode of Dinner 4 Geeks was recorded 11/28/14 at Latitude 31 on Jekyll Island, GA. http://latitude31jekyllisland.com/ ...

Direct download: Episode_87_revised_artmor.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:19pm EST

Matt Hunsworth is one of the four co-hosts of the Star Wars in Character podcast, one of many podcasts distributed through NeoZaz.com. The 2014 Artmor Project Auction will be held Sunday December 7th at 6:10pm Eastern and will be hosted live at http://thebigtoyauction.com.  For more information visit http://neozaz.com/artmor


To tell your Star Wars Story, email your contact information to Story@mystarwarsstory.com. Like My Star Wars Story on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. If you liked My Star Wars Story, please be sure to leave a review in the iTunes store.  It will help more people find the podcast. Please join us next month when Marvel Comics Star Wars writer David Michelinie will share his Star Wars Story. Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of generation Star Wars.

Direct download: msws_mhunsworth.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:48pm EST

Well,after a slight delay due to Real Life interference (we've got find a way to eliminate Real Life so it can't interfere any more!), the Geeks are back, and, yes they're having dinner.

Ron's back from his travels and he tells us about his trip to the Super Hero Museum in Elkhart, IN. Ryan shows us some customs that he says he will send us photos of for the facebook page.  We'll see.Scott gives an update on how things are progressing with the new My Star Wars Story podcast, and if you haven't tried it, you should. Scott also talks about his trip into Steve Glosson's awesome Geek Out Loud studio. Ryan gets a gift from the super-talented Mark Kalmbach, and solicits a giveaway!  THat's right, we're doing a giveaway!  Listen to find out. We also read some listneer email and dicsuss out favorite candies.

This episode of D$G was recorded on 10/30/14 at Zachry's Seafood and Steak http://zachrys-restaurant.com.

Feedback can be sent to geeks@dinner4geeks.com

To ask Ron's Beard for advice, email ronsbeard@dinner4geeks.com

To win a free skull, email whatsitcalled@dinner4geeks.com

Direct download: Episode_86.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:04pm EST

THat's right! We have determined that as of this episode, we have already said everything about Halloween that we possibly can, so this is it.  Enjoy it while you can.  There'll be no more Halloween on this program. Ever. Or not.

We also get into a discussion of My Star Wars Story (mystarwarsstory.com), leaked Star Wars concept art, the SNL Marvel Studios parody, and Matt opens his bag of randomly-packed comics he bought on the way over.

THis episode of D4G was recorded at Zachrys Seafood and Steak on 10/16/14. http://zachrys-restaurant.com .


Direct download: Episode_85.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:38pm EST

This episode features a rollicking conversation with podcaster and superfan Steve Glosson. Steve is the host of the family of Geek Out Loud Podcasts distributed by Shotglass digital and available in the iTunes store or at Shotglassdigital.com. Our discussion with Steve was recorded live at Loco’s Deli and Pub on St. Simons Island Georgia.  Several segments from our conversation were cut because they strayed from Steve’s Star Wars Story. However, they were an interesting and robust Star Wars discussion and some of those moments are included as bonus material at the end of this episode.  To tell your Star Wars Story, email your contact information to Story@mystarwarsstory.com. Like My Star Wars Story on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. If you liked My Star Wars Story, please be sure to leave a review in the iTunes store.  It will help more people find the podcast. Please join us next month when Matt Hunsworth of Star Wars in Character Shares his Star Wars Story. IN December for Marvel Comics Star Wars writer David Michelinie will share his Star Wars Story. Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of generation Star Wars.

Direct download: MSWS_Episode_3_Steve_Glosson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:05pm EST

Ryan pulls a no-show and in the meantime, Ron, Matt and Scott talk about the death ofSaturday morning cartoons and give their remembrances and recollections.  Ron makes inappropriate Stephen COllins jokes, but we really think it's because he's hurt that one of his favorite actors has been revealed as a scumbag.  Then, there's the strange case of Conrad Bain and his twin brother Bonar.  No, really.

This episode of D4G was recorded 10/9/14 at Zachry's Seafood and Steak in Brunswick, GA. http://zachrys-restaurant.com

Direct download: Episode_84.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:36am EST

The Geeks get wrapped up in a game of The Price is Right, guessing the prices of old toys as listed in old Christmas Catalogs!

Direct download: Episode_83.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:36pm EST

For the first time ever, Dinner 4 Geeks goes beyond the restaurant!  Beyond the Galaxy!  Ryan and Scott take a field trip a place Ryan found out about and had to take Scott. Scott has dubbed it Rancho Obi-Wan By-the-Sea.  It's amazing, and it's one of a million strange hidden happenings in this area.  The boys were enthralled and they felt they HAD to share it with you.

This episode of Dinner 4 Geeks was recorded 9/18/14 at Zachry's Seafood and Steak and 9/13/14 at Rancho Obi-Wan By-the-Sea.

Direct download: Episode_82.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:37pm EST

I've been sitting on thisone for over a month, waiting for the appropriate date to put it out. MSWS is amonthly podcast for now, so I have topace myself, but I've been dying to share this one, so here goes!

Scott Gardner is the co-founder of the Two True Freaks internet radio network.  You can find their massive array of shows at twotruefreaks.com.


My Star Wars Story is a podcast project that will attempt to chronicle the experiences of the Star Wars generation and its effect on their lives.

To share your Star Wars story, email story@mystarwarsstory.com 

Direct download: MSWS_Episode_2_Scott_Gardner.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:52pm EST

The Geeks spend a little time going over some of the newer Star Wars Black action figure releases.  In discussing their childhood obsessions with special effects, they segue into V.  Classic V. Matt brings a bunch of items for show and tell, including TWO different Indy hats.  Wait till you hear the price tag on one of them! We talk batmobile pics and we tease an upcoming discussion on the show: our area's version of Rancho Obi-Wan.

This episode of Dinner 4 Geeks was recorded live 9/11/2014 at Zachry's Seafood and Steak in Brunswick, GA. http://zachrys-restaurant.com

Direct download: Episode_81.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:22pm EST

Ron talks about his daughter's big show biz break.  What is it? Listen to find out. Tim Elliot asks Ron's Beard for career advice.  Ryan picks up a cheap Stormtrooper figure from Wal Mart. The Geeks give an update on Jekyll Comic Con coming up December 13th. http://jekyllcomiccon.com .  Ron has finally seen Guardians of the Galaxy but he had to sit through the new TMNT movie to get to it.    With Star Wars: A New Dawn freshly out, the guys get into a discussion of Star Wars canon.  You'll never guess who they suggest be added to a new film to make him canon.  Ryan talks about his eerie evening playing Intellivision for the first time. Which gets weird. Then the Geeks cover some of the concept images leaked from the Episode VII crew.

This Episode of D4G was recorded 9/4/14 at Zachry's Seaood and Steak. http://zachrys-restaurant.com

Direct download: Episode_80.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:20pm EST

The Geeks continue their Jeffless voyage through dinner.  Matt shows off his recent VERY cheap ebay purchase.  Scott annoucnes the launch of a new podcast, My Star Wars Story. By the way, we're looking for your Star Wars stories.  If you want to participate, send an email to story@mystarwarsstory.com.  There's even discussion about the launch of Scott's new website, Marvelstarwars.com. Ron mentions the disturbing announcement about Hello Kitty's species identity announcement. NFL pencils? yeah, we had 'em. Gumball machine football helmets?  Had those too. Our attention turns briefly to preparation for Jekyll Island Comic Con.  Find more info at http://jekyllislandcomiccon .   We skim Willow briefly on the way to Scott's review of the first novel of the new canon, John Jackson Miller's Star Wars: A New Dawn. In a rare moment, Scott talks about a change he would have made to Attack of teh Clones.  Matt talks about his disappointment with Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. We briefly touch on the new Doctor nd Guardians of the Galaxy. Oh, and Ace Frehley's new album debuted in the Billboard Top 10 this week.  We can't NOT talk about that. Plus, not one but TWO drunken renditions of Happy Birthday by the patrons of the Zachry's bar. It just doesn't get any better than this.

This episode of Dinner 4 Geeks was recorded live 8/28/14. http://zachrys-restaurant.com

Direct download: EPisode_79.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:09pm EST

In the premiere episode of My Stary Wars Story, podcaster, toothmaker, and pioneering Star Wars custom action figure sculptor Ryan Shaw (Dinner 4 Geeks) shares his Star Wars story.


If you'd like to tell YOUR Star Wars Story, please email us at story@mystarwarsstory.com . The podcast is currently planned to be a monthly, so please be patient as we get back with you.

Direct download: MSWS_Episode_1_Ryan_Shaw.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:44pm EST

My Star Wars Story is the Shoah Project for Star Wars. It came to D4G's Ryan out of the ether, and when he pitched the initial idea to Scott Ryfun, Scott flipped out.  The two spent the next few weeks refining the concept before going out and recording interviews with Star Wars fans you know VERY well and ones you've never met before!

This is a sample of Episode 2 featuring Two True Freaks' Scott Gardner.


My Star Wars Story, coming soon to a galaxy near you!

Direct download: msws_sg_preview.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:50pm EST

The Geeks, minus Jeff, discuss cons that are coming soon to their area, Amelia Island Con and Jekyll Island Con, one of which they are planning on going to, one of which they are not. There's also a discussion of recent Star Wars photo leaks, and WTF is wrong with Alan Moore?!?

This episode of Dinner 4 Geeks was recorded on 8/21/14 live at Zachry's Seafood and Steak. http://zachrys-restaurant.com.

For more information on Jekyll Comic Con, got to http://Jekyllcon2.com

Direct download: episode_78.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:32pm EST

Jeff is going on temporary hiatus while he takes care of some business that looks to be a scheduling conflict with the podcast for a while.  And of course, it takes TWO geeks to fill his seat. Sound kinda gross, but you know what I mean.  And for those of you who will miss Jeff, I have several shows in the bank with Jeff on them that we will roll out from time to time. On this episode, the geeks pay their loving tribute to Robin Williams as only they can.

This episode of Dinner 4 Geeks was recorded live 8/14/14 at Zachry's Seafood and Steak. http:\\zachrys-restaurant.com

Direct download: Episode_77.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:15pm EST

The four geeks are back together after a brief layoff, and there's a lot of catching up to do! Scott gives the geeks the gifts he got them on his Walt Disney World trip.  Then he harangues them for the show without him. Ryan puts forth his idea for a Star Wars museum on Disney property. Which leads to a discussion about what Disney should be doing with its Star Wars presence in its theme parks. OH, and there's some Alderaan thrutherism thrown in for good measure

THis episode of D4G was recorded live at Zachry's Seafood and Steak on July 24, 2014. http://zachrys-restaurant.com


Direct download: Episode_76.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:59pm EST

Episode 75: That's MS. Femforce to YOU

Well, here we are.  75 dinners with the geeks.  And to be honest, at least half of us thought we'd never get this far.  Strange coincidence, exactly half of us are missing for this episode, but we've brought along our youngfrineds Matt and Sam to fill the Geek Seats, and they do a terrific job.  We talk a little about Entertainment Weekly Avengers cover story, some of the fantastic offerings from TwoMorrows Publishing, the fact that Books-a-Million can't do math, what it will take for digital to kill print, Matt tells the story of the time George Perez hugged him (great story!), the problem with comic shops, teh Star Wars black series Bespin Luke figure, web surfing and driving, the effect of getting older on collecting, Scott's official yet unofficial Star Wars Christmas CD, Correspondence with Meco, The Falcon as Cap and a chick Thor, what ever happened to the Domino's Pizza archvillain the Noid, the pronunciation of Ms. Tree's name, Futurama and Seinfeld, the death of Marvel Essentials and what's next, and the sad story of Miracle Phone.  Seriously.  That's all in one episode.  Don't ask me how, but we did it.

Direct download: Episode_75.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:43pm EST

Episode 74: Misssissippi Jackson-An Assistant Editor's Month Spectacular

All right, so here goes.  This is truly an assistant editor's masterpiece if ever there was one.  I (Scott) was out of town last week and the guys decided to fly without me.  Yes, the episode is late, because, well, it's assistant editor's month.  And no, I have not heard it at all.  I am uploading is sight unseen, er, unheard. God help us all...

Direct download: D4GRecorded070914-ed.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm EST

The title says it all! Or does it?

Direct download: Episode_73.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Okay, Apes months was last month, but we were having trouble getting together during June, so we had to do it near the end of June.  And then, Scott had to travel seven hours to Pensacola when he would have rather been subjecting himself to the torture of editing this show.  So, at long last, it's here.  And if you think we stick to Apes for the entire show, then you haven't listened to D4G before.  Welcome aboard.  It's a fun ride!

Direct download: Episode_72.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:32am EST

Guest geeks Matt and Sam join us again as Ron goes AWOL for Scout Camp. Ryan comes in complaining about his new ReAction Rocketeer action figures.  This obviously leaves him in a sad mood as he starts to inquire of our younger guest geeks about the national tragedies they'd endured.  After that we take a run through the mailbag.  I'll tell you what is terrific.  When we first started this podcast, we were desperate for an email.  NOw, we get more than we can keep up with!  Keep them coming.  geeks@dinner4geeks.com . 


This episode of Dinner 4 Geeks was recorded live 6/19/14 at Zachry's Seafood and Steak. http://zachrys-restaurant.com

Direct download: Episode_71.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:21pm EST

This week we're joined by our guest Geek Godzilla!  Actually it's the Jakks Pacific giant Godzilla brought along by one of our Guest Geeks this week.  Jeff had prior commitments, so it took TWO guest geeks to fill his seat (ahem).  Matt Colvin returns and brings with him Sam Arbo! RYan makes sure to give Scott giref over his brand new Dinner 4 Geeks t-shirt (which can be found at the D4G shop at http://cafepress.com/dinner4geeks), then Ron makes a correction to Scott's scomments on teh Two True Freaks roundtable, but makes an error himself.  Then we get gneerational, tlaking about the differences in Khan preference amongst generations and we try to explain to the kids about the world BSW (Before Star Wars). Oh, and Scott waxes poetically about a podcast he has fallen in love with, Star Wars Oxygen).  Sit back, order an entree and let's have dinner!

This episode of Dinner 4 Geeks was recorded live 6/12/14 at Zachry's Seafood and Steak. http://zachrys-restaurant.com 

Direct download: Episoe_70.mp3
Category:Sci-Fi -- posted at: 10:53am EST

Hey, everybody.  Ryfun here. Sorry, I couldn't resist.  Remember when we did the Final Four Geeks?  Well, at that time, you may have noticed a shift to a closer to day and date release schedule...or maybe you didn't.  Either way, we had actually shifted to a "week of" release schedule in order to maximize our conversations about current events.  However, this left a couple of unused epiosodes in the hopper.  Like this one, for example.  And, well, this week, three of the four geeks took off on me, so we couldn't record. So you get this instead. And to tell you the truth, I'm glad we finally got to share this one with you.  We recorded it back in March, and we talk about the future of action figures, and close strong with Atari 2600 nostalgia that goes, as is typical for us, nowhere you'd think it would, but yet, is golden!

Direct download: episode_69.mp3
Category:Sci-Fi -- posted at: 9:24pm EST

Oh, the trouble with selling scooters on Craig's List.  And that's not a euphemism. Then the talk is about toys and what it it took to make a toy get our nattention, what we did with them, and how we paid for them. Jeff and Scott discuss the anniversary 2-CD set KISS40. And then our attention turns to our comments on X-Men: Days of Future Past. Ron's off next week, so enjoy him while you can!

Direct download: episode_68.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:08pm EST

Episode 67: Oliver Stone's JFK v Godzilla

Well, Ryan’s got teeth to make, so this week we bring in a Guest Geek Scott has been threatening to bring in for some time now, a young fella named Matt Colvin, and Matt knocks it out of the park.  Most of the discussion centers on the recent Godzilla movie with a little of our usual side trips sprinkled in for fun!


This episode of Dinner 4 Geeks was recorded 5/22/14 at Zachry’s Seafood and Steak. http://zachrys-restaurant.com in Brunswick, GA.


Feedback is always welcome at Geeks@dinner4geeks.com or @dinner4geeks


Dinner 4 Geeks is a damned proud part of the Two True Freaks Internet Radio Network. http://twotruefreaks.com

Direct download: Episode_67.mp3
Category:Sci-Fi -- posted at: 10:06pm EST

This week, the Geeks getinto a rant about the "diversity" issue with the Star Wars VII cast.  They also jump headlong into a discussion of their siblings and whether or not they share their geekiness.  And THEN Ron talks about his childhood days as a gold miner in Alaska.  I wish I were kidding, but I'm not.

Direct download: Episode_66.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:22pm EST

This week!  Finally!  Thank God!  We have a winner!  The Final Four Geeks comes to a fiery and spectacular conclusion as we pick a winner.  Will it be Star Wars Episode IV or Doctor Who?  Come on, you're not an idiot.  FIgure it out for yourself.  Also, we give away the Raiders of the Lost Ark poster signed by Dennis Muren and Ben Burtt!  Plus we announce our next big shameless ploy to get five-star votes!  We also get heavy into this Star Wars thing: from the casting announcements to the destruction of the EU.  And Jack is back and the Geeks react to the return of 24!

This episode of Dinner 4 Geeks was recorded live 5/6/14 at Loco's Grill and Pub on St. Simons Island, GA. http://locosgrill.com

Correspondence welcome at geeks@dinner4geeks.com


Direct download: Episode_65.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:46pm EST

Episode 64: And Then There Were Two...

The Final Four Geeks is narrowed down to two!  Heck, we may choose a winner before next year's starts!  This week we talk about Jeff and Ron's appearance on Back to the Bins, the seldom-seen film Odd Jobs, the Veronica Mars movie, Gravity, AND we launch into a feud with another podcast!

This episode of the Dinner 4 Geeks was recorded live 5/1/14 at Zachry's Seafood and Steak in Brunswick, GA.  http://zachrys-restaurant.com

Direct download: Episoe_64.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:32pm EST

This week, you get two--count 'em, TWO!--weeks' worth of D4G, including our incredible Final Four Geeks selections!  Will the Cinderella Easy Bake Oven survive to the Final Four? In this episode we also discuss the impending demise of the Expanded Universe.  Mark this one, too: Ryan says he will not buy any of the new action figures for Episodes VII, VIII, and IX.  Write that down.  We WILL hold it against him later.  Ron recaps GnomeCon 2014 and fondly recalls the Con-Funk.  We then all try to quit the podcast and compare ourselves to the Beatles.  Is that a stretch?  Listen and see...wait, listen and see? We talk about creative playtime during our childhoods. Also, parody mags like Mad, Cracked, Crazy, Sick, and Stupid.  And we name drop podcasters like mad men. The Leylands, Trentus Magnus, Spataro, the whole nine yards.

This episode of Dinner 4 Geeks was recorded 4/17/14 and 4/24/14 at Zachry's Seafood and Steak in Brunswick, GA. http://zachrys-steak.com

Direct download: Episode_63_final_mix.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:15pm EST

We're sort of down to two geeks this week, as Jeff has a scheduled appointment that causes him to miss all but the last five minutes or so of the show (sorry, Jeff fans), and something comes up a tthe last minute that keeps Ryan from being able to make it as well.  Fortunately, we have Jeff's votes in the Final 4 Geeks, and we deputize Ron's son Tad, so we're in business.


And, of course, our contest giving away a Raiders poster signed by Ben Burtt and Dennis Muren continues.  Just submit a 5-star review to any of the three feeds that host our show, Dinner 4 Geeks, Two True Freaks Presents Dinner 4 Geeks, and Two True Freaks! 2, and we'll enter you into the drawing.  Remember to send us a copy of the review along with your contact info to geeks@dinner4geeks.com so you can be the big winner!

You can also email your picks in the Final 4 Geeks to geeks@dinnerforgeeks.com as well.
This episode of Dinner 4 Geeks was recorded at Zachry's Seafood and Steaks on 4/10/14.  http://zachrys-restaurant.com

Direct download: Episode_62.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:25pm EST

The next round in the Final 4 Geeks gets underway as we vote on the Sweet Sixteen and things don't go exactly the way some of us want them to. 


Plus, straight from the pages of the Two True Freaks Facebook page, it's a discussion on the ethics of getting autographs for the purpose of selling them!


Ron ruins the whole evening by bringing some Justice League branded ripoff Lik-M-Aid, and Ryan and Jeff can't keep themselves away.


Plus, the story of Ryan's mysterious package from Rancho Obi-Wan...


And, of course, our contest giving away a Raiders poster signed by Ben Burtt and Dennis Muren continues.  Just submit a 5-star review to any of the three feeds that host our show, Dinner 4 Geeks, Two True Freaks Presents Dinner 4 Geeks, and Two True Freaks! 2, and we'll enter you into the drawing.  Remember to send us a copy of the review along with your contact info to geeks@dinner4geeks.com so you can be the big winner!

Direct download: Episode_61.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:59pm EST

The Final 4 Geeks continues as we narrow the field down to 32!  Don't forget to sent your picks to geeks@dinner4geeks.com!

We also address an email from a listener regarding the possible reboot of the Indiana Jones franchise.
And don't forget to  submit 5-star reviews to our Dinner 4 Geeks iTunes feed, the Two True Freaks Presents Diiner 4 Geeks iTunes feed, and the Two True Freaks! 2 feed, then send the reviews to us along with your contact info to geeks@dinner4geeks.com.  Every submission will be entered into a drawing for a Raider of the Lost Ark poster signed by Dennis Muren and Ben Burtt!  The drawing will be held in a few weeks, so start reviewing!
This episode of Dinner 4 Geeks was recorded live on 3/27/14 at Zachry's Seafood and Steak http:\\zachrys-restaurant.com

Direct download: episode_60.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:09pm EST

Episode 59: Final 4 Geeks

The Geeks have an announcement to make that could mean a big prize for you!  It's in the episode!

Now, be honest.  You're sick of seeing all those big tournament brackets at your workplace or school.  You don't really care about the basketball tournament.  Well, here's a bracket for you.  We call it the Final 4 Geeks.  Cast your votes when you see it posted on the Dinner 4 Geeks and Two True Freaks webpages.  Listener votes will count for 50% of the vote total!

We also hit on Disney's Planes and the Peanuts movie.

This episode of Dinner 4 Geeks was recorded live 3/20/14 at Zachry's Seafood and Steaks in Brunswick, GA http:\\zachrys-restaurant.com

Direct download: Episode_59_final.mp3
Category:Sci-Fi -- posted at: 4:51pm EST

It's a long night of fun with the geeks, who, after pondering the purpose of their existence, decide to soldier on with another great dinner!  Of course, since we missed last week, we jsut had to give you some extra this week!  After we discuss continuing to do the podcast, we move on to an analysis of Ryan's recent dream.  After that, it's the return of the Core 4 and this time it's your Core 4 film scores.  Madness--and the fact that Ron didn't get the email--ensues.  We close out with a lesson, by popular demand, on how to say "Aw-sum!"  As in, "Have y'all seen Roadhouse yet?  It's Aw-sum!"


This Episode of D4G was recorded February 27th at Zachry's Seafood and Steaks in Brunswick, GA.  http://zachrys-restaurant.com


Direct download: episode_58.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 5:53pm EST

Because no one demanded it…except Ron.  It’s the sequel to the least-downloaded episode of D4G ever! The 2014 Edition of the Wookiee Awards!  And this time we enlisted your help maybe you’d actually care about the results!  It’s our take on the best that 2013 had to offer!  Plus we heap grief on Trentus Magnus, and we heap praise on Professor Alan.  All in a day’s work.

Direct download: Episode_57.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 10:06pm EST

Okay, confession time: for the past four episodes, Ron has shown up with a large boot box.  We've never gotten around to it.  This week, after Ryan takes ill, we get into the box.  You'll never guess what is in it!

Direct download: episode_56.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:09pm EST

Episode 55: Two Handfuls and a Mouthful...SNIP!

Jeff has a bone to pick with a remark Scott made while guesting on Trentus Magnus Donkey Punches Reality about Jeff's D4G jokes falling flat  and threatens to claw his eyeballs out, but instead settles for a distinctly unpodcast-like punishment.

Direct download: Episode_55.mp3
Category:Sci-Fi -- posted at: 11:13pm EST

Episode 54: Dinner 4 Geeks After Dark

It’s Dinner 4 Geeks After Hours!  The evening starts well enough with a discussion of Scouts and Girl Scout Cookies.  Plus, Scott gets to gloat about his find of original Star Wars figures that are in fantastic condition.  But then, it turns horribly sideways and begins to sound like a bunch of old guys having dinner late at night…oh, never mind.  Anyway, we always post the Explicit warning on the episode.  This one probably deserves TWO warnings.

This episode of D4G was recorded live 1/23/13 at Zachry’s Seafood and Steaks in Brunswick, GA.  http://www.zachrys-restaurant.com/  .  Visit us on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/dinner4geeks

Thoughts, response and commentary can be sent to  geeks@dinner4geeks.com    

Fan mail for Ron’s beard should go to: ronsbeard@dinner4geeks.com

Email for Ryan’s crutch phrase should go to whatsitcalled@dinner4geeks.com

Direct download: Episode_54.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:14pm EST

Episode 53: It's Christmastime Again, Geeks!

Scott is drinking coffee now, for no real good reason, but before Jeff gets to tell HIS coffee story Ryan whips his brand new Alien figures out.  Then Ronald whips out Christmas presents for us!!  Yes, I said Christmas presents!  And they were worth the wait!  We close with a discussion of the Star Wars story committee and plugs for various podcasts, including Trentus Magnus Donkey Punches Reality and Star Wars Monthly Mondays.

This episode of D4G was recorded live 1/9/13 at Zachry’s Seafood and Steaks in Brunswick, GA.  http://www.zachrys-restaurant.com/  .  Visit us on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/dinner4geeks

Thoughts, response and commentary can be sent to  geeks@dinner4geeks.com    

Fan mail for Ron’s beard should go to: ronsbeard@dinner4geeks.com

Email for Ryan’s crutch phrase should go to whatsitcalled@dinner4geeks.com

"This show is awesome on levels not yet measured by science."-Michael Bailey, Views From the Longbox

Direct download: Episode_53.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:57pm EST

Episode 52: He was Fellatiatin'

The Geeks talk about Alter Ego’s tribute to Comics Buyer’s Guide and applaud the fact that CBG got a decent sendoff.  This leads to a conversation about TV shows that never got a proper sendoff.  The ones that were canceled and left on a cliffhanger.  We get into our usual observation of bizarre minutiae, then the show closes with a nearly three-minute A chord!

This episode of D4G was recorded live 12/5/13 at Zachry’s Seafood and Steaks in Brunswick, GA.  http://www.zachrys-restaurant.com/  .  Visit us on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/dinner4geeks

Thoughts, response and commentary can be sent to  geeks@dinner4geeks.com                                                                                                                 

Fan mail for Ron’s beard should go to: ronsbeard@dinner4geeks.com

Email for Ryan’s crutch phrase should go to whatsitcalled@dinner4geeks.com

Direct download: Episode_52.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm EST

Episode 51: The Love/Hate Episode

This is the episode YOU contributed to!  It’s the Love/Hate episode!  We take a look at things Geeks love that everyone else hates and vice versa.  But first we start off discussing the recent Hollywood Reporter article about Episode VII.  Sit back for a LOT of fun!

This episode of D4G was recorded live 1/16/13 at Zachry’s Seafood and Steaks in Brunswick, GA.  http://www.zachrys-restaurant.com/  .  Visit us on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/dinner4geeks

Thoughts, response and commentary can be sent to  geeks@dinner4geeks.com    

Fan mail for Ron’s beard should go to: ronsbeard@dinner4geeks.com

Email for Ryan’s crutch phrase should go to whatsitcalled@dinner4geeks.com


Direct download: Episode_51.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:06pm EST

Episode 50: Giant-Sized 50th Episode and First Birthday Spectacular!

It’s our 50th Episode and it comes right around our first birthday, so we’re celebrating both in one epic episode.  Let me warn you now that if you’re the type who gets frustrated during our debates and you want to jump into it, you’re going to get REALLY frustrated.  I’ll tell you why in a second.  We talk about the things that the younger generation respects the history of.  And then the discussion turns to the things Disney should acquire if they remain in acquisition mode.  This gets hot.  Then Scott calls Bill Watterson an a-hole, which launches possibly the most epic blowup in the history of D4G!  If you enjoy this show at all, this is the one for you!  If you’ve ever THOUGHT about checking out this show, THIS IS THE ONE FOR YOU!

This episode of D4G was recorded live 1/2/13 at Zachry’s Seafood and Steaks in Brunswick, GA.  http://www.zachrys-restaurant.com/  .  Visit us on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/dinner4geeks

Thoughts, response and commentary can be sent to  geeks@dinner4geeks.com                                                                                                                 

Fan mail for Ron’s beard should go to: ronsbeard@dinner4geeks.com

Email for Ryan’s crutch phrase should go to whatsitcalled@dinner4geeks.com

Direct download: Episode_50.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:49am EST

Episode 49: You Can't Frame a Tooth...With Uncle Daddy!

It’s the night after Thanksgiving, and Ryan’s brother Uncle Daddy joins us for our dinner.  Along the way, we get into a discussion of trading cards, starting with Star Wars, Wacky Packages, Mars Attacks, and KISS cards.  From there, it’s off to a discussion of how KISS get their powers.  Doctor Who’s 50th Anniversary Special enters the fray, as well.  Oh, and boobies.  And then Knightriders?  And the Bionic Ear?  Oh, you just have to listen to it…

This episode of D4G was recorded live 11/29/13 at Broomelli Boys Pizzeria in Brunswick, GA.  http://www.broomelliboys.com/  .  Visit us on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/dinner4geeks

We have a new email address!!  It’s geeks@dinner4geeks.com

And in this episode we establish that there are fans of Ron’s beard.  It now has a new email address as well! ronsbeard@dinner4geeks.com

Email for Ryan’s crutch phrase should go to whatsitcalled@dinner4geeks.com

Direct download: Episode_49.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:49pm EST






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