Just two days after Jeff unveils his wedding plans there's another dinner.  This time, Steve Glosson has made his way into Brunswick to record a Force Awakens commentary. They plan on it being the first one to hit the internet but they're beaten to the punch by Rebel Force Radio by a day. Ron and Jeff are unavailable, so Ryan, Steve, and Scott grab Thomas to join them at Barbara Jean's.

Steve and Ryan have had a simmering feud boiling for a few weeks and once they come face to face...nothing.  But it does result in some very good action figure talk.

Now, let me warn you that Barbara Jean's is a great restaurant, but it's also a tad noisy, so some sections of this podcast are more difficult to hear than usual (and that's saying something!).

This Episode of D4G was recorded 1/16/16 at Barbara Jean's Restaurant on St. Simons Island.

Direct download: Episode_133_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:09am EST

Here it is! It's been talked about for over a year, and now you can experience it firsthand. The event that nearly tore D4G apart. The event that left repercussions on the D4Gverse that continue to this day! This is the first step on the road to D4G-Civil War!


This episode of D4G was recorded at Zachry's Seafood and Steak on 1/14/16.

Direct download: Episode_132.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Of all the tasteless episodes of D4G, this may be the tastelessest.

The gang reconvenes after taking a break over the holidays. The previous recording session had been on the evening of the Force Awakens's premiere. A variety of topics are covered herein, but it all keeps coming back to the tastelessness.

This episode of D4G was recorded at Zachry's Seafood and Steak on 01/07/16.



Direct download: episode_131.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:40pm EST

We have finally broken into the ranks of those rich podcasters and gotten a sponsor!

No, not really.  We  would love to have you  on as a sponsor if you would like, but we doubt McDonald's will be that sponsor.  Especially after they hear the stories in this episode.

Plus! Permanent Guest Geek Matt, Ron, Ryan, and Scott go over their Core 4 quotable movies. Plus, the sad, sad story of Caddyshack II...

This episode of D4G was recorded 11/20/14 at Zachry's Seafood and Steak in Brunswick, GA.

Direct download: Episode_130_Mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

It's a guest geek gala galore as Jeff brings not one but two guest geeks to the table! His wife Susan and her cousin Robbie sit and have a geeky dinner with Jeff, Scott and Ron and have a robust discussion about the meaning of "The Last Jedi."

Film tourism also plays a role in the discussion. It's all fun and totally geeky!


This episode of D4G was recorded at Zachry's Seafood and Steak on 2/2/17.

Direct download: episode_129_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Going through the files, I found THIS! It's a show that's a little over two years old. Recored during Jeff's hiatus, this episode features, Ryan, Ron, Scott, and Matt Colvin! It was recorded the day in November of 2014 that the title, The Force Awakens was released. You'll hear our first reactions upon hearing the title! Can't wait for the movie to come out!


This episode of D4G was recorded at Zachry's Seafood and Steaks in brunswick, GA on 11/06/14.




Direct download: Episode_128.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Ron and Scott have been abandoned by Ryan and Jeff just when the name of the new Star Wars movie is announced. They decide to discuss it anyway. Plus they get into an appreciation of Curtis Armstrong. Then Scott decides to rapid-fire quiz Ron on 80s independent comics. Ron surprises even Scott.

Direct download: Episode_127.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Ryan isn't well, because he's set to have a root canal the next day.  What can the guy  do to cheer him up?  Not much, to be honest.  But that doesn't stop them from having another robust geek talk that  begins with the new Savannah semi-pro baseball team and ends with The Space Giants. The mid section? A recap of the experiences of Brusnwick, GA during the making fo the Ben Affleck flop Live By Night.


This episode of D4G was recorded at Zachry's Seafood and Steak on 11/5/15

Direct download: episode_126_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Dinner 4 Geeks Episode 125: Monkeying Around

It’s just two geeks this week, as Scott and Ron sit down to a dinner and let their minds wander in a stunning display of cogent stream of consciousness. However, it always winds up circling around to monkeys. Or Hitler, but I think that was a given.

Plus we talk about:

Absorbine, Jr.

Greg Brady’s move to the attic

Dan Curtis’s Ouvre

George Romero’s Mar’in

We try to sort out the difference between Timothy and Joseph Bottoms

Ronald’s eBay find of a Planet of the Apes short story collection

The Hitler Rap

This edition of D4G was actually recorded this year! 1/12/17 at Zachry’s Seafood and Steak.


Direct download: episode_125_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Inspired by the once upon a time ABC "black" Odd Couple sitcom, Scott begins envisioning multi-ethnic recasting of classic TV shows.

The, er, ahem, upcoming Peanuts movie is discussed.

Ryan shares painful anecdotes about the time Jack Davis moved to Georgia.

the G-Man enjoys some background time and Mrs. Shaw shows up as well...

Direct download: episode_124.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

The Geeks had a reaction to the trailer for the Force Awakens. You know,  the one that aired during Monday Night Football? The one that was, like, over a year ago?


They also discuss how they plan to end the show when the day finally comes to put this podcast out of its misery.

Jeff and Scott compare notes on having seen John Cleese and Eric Idle live in two different cities the same week.

They also talk Football, Ac/DC, the Cult, Jimmy Page, Concerts, and a whole bunch of other stuff Ryan won't participate in discussing.

Direct download: episode_123_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:04pm EST

The Geeks are joined by Uncle Daddy as they discus the 2015 San Diego Comic Con 9yes, it's an older dinner). And they wait, while Jeff takes care of business so Scott can give him his birthday gift.  It's worth the price of admission.


This episode of D4G was recorded live at Zachry's Seafood and Steak on 7/09/15. http://zachrys-restaurant.com

Direct download: Episode_122_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

The Geeks bid fond(ish) farewell to 2016 along with guest geek Thomas! We talk Carrie Fisher and the Twitter controversies surrounding her death, more Rogue One discussion, and more geekiness s we close out the year and look forward to a new one...one that may actually have some episodes.

Direct download: Episode_121_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:04pm EST






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