Episode 75: That's MS. Femforce to YOU

Well, here we are.  75 dinners with the geeks.  And to be honest, at least half of us thought we'd never get this far.  Strange coincidence, exactly half of us are missing for this episode, but we've brought along our youngfrineds Matt and Sam to fill the Geek Seats, and they do a terrific job.  We talk a little about Entertainment Weekly Avengers cover story, some of the fantastic offerings from TwoMorrows Publishing, the fact that Books-a-Million can't do math, what it will take for digital to kill print, Matt tells the story of the time George Perez hugged him (great story!), the problem with comic shops, teh Star Wars black series Bespin Luke figure, web surfing and driving, the effect of getting older on collecting, Scott's official yet unofficial Star Wars Christmas CD, Correspondence with Meco, The Falcon as Cap and a chick Thor, what ever happened to the Domino's Pizza archvillain the Noid, the pronunciation of Ms. Tree's name, Futurama and Seinfeld, the death of Marvel Essentials and what's next, and the sad story of Miracle Phone.  Seriously.  That's all in one episode.  Don't ask me how, but we did it.

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:43pm EST

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