We're sort of down to two geeks this week, as Jeff has a scheduled appointment that causes him to miss all but the last five minutes or so of the show (sorry, Jeff fans), and something comes up a tthe last minute that keeps Ryan from being able to make it as well.  Fortunately, we have Jeff's votes in the Final 4 Geeks, and we deputize Ron's son Tad, so we're in business.


And, of course, our contest giving away a Raiders poster signed by Ben Burtt and Dennis Muren continues.  Just submit a 5-star review to any of the three feeds that host our show, Dinner 4 Geeks, Two True Freaks Presents Dinner 4 Geeks, and Two True Freaks! 2, and we'll enter you into the drawing.  Remember to send us a copy of the review along with your contact info to geeks@dinner4geeks.com so you can be the big winner!

You can also email your picks in the Final 4 Geeks to geeks@dinnerforgeeks.com as well.
This episode of Dinner 4 Geeks was recorded at Zachry's Seafood and Steaks on 4/10/14.  http://zachrys-restaurant.com

Direct download: Episode_62.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:25pm EST

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