Episode 45: Return of the Ackface

We’re Jeffless for the first time in a lonnnnng time.  We’ve really got to find a backup Fourth geek.  Any takers?  We talk about a cool website called thehappeningbook.net .  This thing is awesome!  A kid kept a journal in 1978, when he was in second grade, and on this website, he publishes a page a day, corresponding with the date in 1978.  You MUST check it out.  We share our misgivings about the turmoil that seems to be surrounding the Episode VII Production.  You’ll notice that when we recorded this episode, the EpVII release date hadn’t been announced yet.  We get into a discussion of It’s a Wonderful Life and of classic cereals, life Baron Von Redberry!  And we miss Jeff during the discussion of exactly why Scott doesn’t care for The Simpsons.  Then, the weirdest thing happens.  Ryan tells tales about his friend Ackface, and Ackface comes walking in the door!  Awk-ward.

This episode of D4G was recorded live 10/28/13 at Broomelli Boys Pizzeria in Brunswick, GA.  http://www.broomelliboys.com/.  Visit us on facebook at http://facebook.com/dinner4geeks

We have a new email address!!  It’s geeks@dinner4geeks.com

And in this episode we establish that there are fans of Ron’s beard.  It now has a new email address as well! ronsbeard@dinner4geeks.com

Direct download: Episode_45.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:09am EST

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